Archive for June 2003


First Post

Welcome to

Lots of tweaking and construction need to be done, pardon my dust. Just to name a few:

  • The W3C XHTML and CSS logos are not being displayed because some pages are giving errors. When they go up you can be sure that the whole site validates.
  • The sites design is still being tweaked. Some pages are more finished than others. The style sheets need some work before they are optimal. Perhaps they will be merged into one sheet.
  • There is no print stylesheet yet
  • The links section needs to be a weblog (in the MoveableType sense) all of its own. That way I don’t have to maintain it by hand. Just an index page, sorted by category, with no archives, using the title and body to make up the link URL and description. I already have about 30 links that need to go in there.
  • The comment posting GUI needs a redesign. I don’t like the stock one that came with MoveableType but I’m stuck with it for now.

When most of these issues are cleared up I will post the first article on the site about the construction of this website. There should be lots of gory details about CSS and MoveableType. Overall its wasn’t nearly as bad as I had thought.