Spam Warz

I recently became the victim of comment spam. The Mindshare website in particular was hit hard by a single spammer running a botnet and posting spam from multiple IP’s. The attack package they are using has an easily identifiable signature; the e-mail field always starts with two numbers. This website has been indexed by Google which I am very happy about. This is also how the spammers find their targets. All comments now require registration for the time being. I will hopefully soon lift that restriction when I get another nifty tool installed on the server.

On the positive side my e-mail address has not been indexed by Google which proves that the Hide Mail script is indeed effective for keeping your e-mail address away from automated address harvesters. I now get less spam at than i do in misdirected spam aimed at the entire * doamin.

And at the end of the first quarter its: Spammers:1 Gareth:1



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