Archive for the Category Mindshare


Brain Share

Well thats what the blue thing is on the web button, a brain. I got sick of fighting with The Gimp and tried out Photoshop. Lets just say the user experience is ‘smooth’. The Gimp crew has a lot to learn, they have the processing all there, the usability is lacking.

Get Mindshare!

What do you think of my handy work?

People Can Fly

Thats right people can fly, all it takes is a little music.

First up: OpenOffice. I decided that I had used Word enough in the past to know better than to try and write my thesis in it. It was going to screw the formatting right up. I wanted something that worked like CSS. You make styles, you apply styles, stupid program doesn’t change those styles. Well OpenOffice Writer is supposed to be the ticket.

And then the problems. Writer cant continue a block of numbering so if you break a block you are SOL. The good news is that the bug is fixed in the beta 2.0 code. It sort of works! But there is a crash bug with the Table of Contents feature in build 680_m45.

I haven’t yet investigated LaTeX of Doc-Book but I might do that before this is over. I want to publish HTML & PDF (shudder) versions of the thesis. I’m also looking at putting the mighty tome under a Creative Commons License.

Next up: Music. Endre – Kallocain (Robert Nickson mix) rocks my world. Very uplifting trance, reminds me of Paul Van Dyk’s For an Angel, just that good. Well worth the listen, I advise playing it LOUD! I would point you to info about the artist/remixologist but I cant find it anywhere., which brings me to the rant:

And now its time for a breakdown: <rant>Posting the above track here is part of something called “MP3 Blogging” (search of google). As such it may not be entirely legal to post the above track. However I think that by endorsing the track I am at least in some way acting to promote the artist. Note that said track is not available ANYWHERE for legal download that I can find in US currency. It certainly isn’t on iTunes/PressPlay/Napster etc. I cant run down to Best Buy and score me a copy either. In Cayman I would be totally SOL. Give me a service that has the music I want and Ill gladly pay the artists.</rant>

P.S. This is just made my day:


Here is a screenshot of build 260. It shows files being shared in a group and several users (just pretend they are all online). The user is about to give one of his files to another user. There are still a few GUI elements that need work, but mostly its finished. I’ve started working on the Thesis paper and in parallel ill be working on point to point pipes for file transfer. Enjoy the screenshot.

I found the Presence Service Bug

I found the Presence Service bug! It only took 3 days. I spent the first 1/2 day exercising my bug hunting powers in earnest. All this revealed was that the bug could be anywhere and it would be wise to eliminate some of its hiding places.

First I rewrote the Buddy List view and model so that it used the domain classes directly. This caused me to rethink and refactor some things in the domain, particularly consolidating the source of all Presence events into the MindshareGroup class. Its nice to have events that start at the actual source of the event, Its also nice to have them aggregated at one location so listeners don’t have to register with 4 different object.

After all this work the bug was still manifesting itself. I should have had more confidence in my existing display code. Once the display and network components were eliminated it was easy to find the bug in the controller. This prompted more refactoring to consolidate controller function into the Member Registry to avoid this happening again.

As a side bonus the groups now have a nice icon in the buddy list. I also learned allot about TreeModels and TreeModelEvents, things I will need for the group share work. Also the Buddy List display should be easier to modify when the back end is inevitably changed. Not a total wast of time but still no forward progress.

I’ve posted a new version with the changes.