Archive for the Category Blog



I was in the middle of writing a water cooling beginners guide with a bunch of links to suppliers and so on. Seams
that has read my mind and published a very good beginners
guide with all the same advice and links that it took me 3 days to find on the net. You can read their
guide here. They also
have link to some of their own articles on reservoir construction and using Radio Shack relays to switch on your pump.
Two great ways to save some money if you build a water cooled rig.

I’m currently considering water cooling my next box. This should give me about 10 degrees cooler temps on the CPU and
also eliminate the tow major sources of noise in the computer: the CPU fan and the Graphics card. Water cooling is at a
stage where it shouldn’t be too hard to get it right. There is lots of information out there now. also the cost isn’t
that bad, between $100 and $200. You could save that on your next CPU purchase and do an overclock.

The Matrix Reloaded

I saw Reloaded last night as it has finally wended its way to the islands this week. It was a very good show in my opinion. I discussed it with a friend who suggested that the action sequences were too long and become boring.

The action sequences are in no way integral to the plot. You could cut them out of the movie and loose nothing essential.The action just appears to be filler. Very nicely choreographed, Kung Fu, gun slinging, Katana wielding, CGI assisted filler. In the first movie the action sequences were molded into the plot. Neo was discovering his powers and each new action sequence shown some new ability or new side of his character. Ignoring the action I think it was a great movie, lots of deep stuff to ponder and enough evidence to support just about any possible outcome in the final installment.

In other news the website tweaking continues. The two styles were merged without incident. CSS and XHTML will validate perfectly once I get the character encoding into the templates, then the W3C buttons will go up. The links section is up, once again MoveableType is proving its flexibility.

First Post

Welcome to

Lots of tweaking and construction need to be done, pardon my dust. Just to name a few:

  • The W3C XHTML and CSS logos are not being displayed because some pages are giving errors. When they go up you can be sure that the whole site validates.
  • The sites design is still being tweaked. Some pages are more finished than others. The style sheets need some work before they are optimal. Perhaps they will be merged into one sheet.
  • There is no print stylesheet yet
  • The links section needs to be a weblog (in the MoveableType sense) all of its own. That way I don’t have to maintain it by hand. Just an index page, sorted by category, with no archives, using the title and body to make up the link URL and description. I already have about 30 links that need to go in there.
  • The comment posting GUI needs a redesign. I don’t like the stock one that came with MoveableType but I’m stuck with it for now.

When most of these issues are cleared up I will post the first article on the site about the construction of this website. There should be lots of gory details about CSS and MoveableType. Overall its wasn’t nearly as bad as I had thought.